Building Access

Your LoboCard is used for access to various UNM facilities and buildings. Each new student, faculty, and staff member automatically has access to Johnson Gym, campus printing pods, UNM tickets, and SHAC.

Building access for employees, residents, or students is issued by the administrator of security clearance for each area. Contact your department administrator or building manager to obtain access authorization for your building.

The LoboCard Office does not manage the clearance software nor do they authorize new access requests. The UNM Lock Shop or your department administrator will assist with authorizing your clearance to buildings.

Please be advised that in the interest of campus security, the LoboCard Office is not authorized to assign building access to your LoboCard. Replacement LoboCards will not retain access authorization that was previously assigned to you. 

LoboCard Pricing

Initial LoboCard
Lost/Stolen Card
Damaged Card
*Current card must be turned in.
Name Changes
*Current card must be turned in.